STUDYING at sea.
They say university students have the
perfect life; well that statement is certainly
true for 200 US college attendees who are
being temporarily housed onboard the 301-
passenger Sea Voyager for a semester.
The students, from St Mary’s College of
Maryland, have been relocated to their
ocean-view lodgings whilst the college deals
with an outbreak of mould in their dorms.
As part of her role as college dormitory,
the ten-year-old Sea Voyager has now
pulled up a pew on St Mary’s River, just a
few metres from the university.
In many ways the new accommodations
are in keeping with the St Mary’s ethos, as
part of its marketing states it is the college
for students who love the water.
ASTRONAUTS need a cruise.
A group of astronauts have emerged from
a mock space capsule after being locked in
there for 520 days, saying they are
dreaming of lying in the sun.
The scientists were part of a mission to
measure the effects on humans travelling
the 17 months to Mars.
“My thoughts are drifting toward
swimming at sea and basking on warm
sand,” said one sun-starved astronaut.