PERTH-BASED cruising giant
Bicton Travel will again contest
for Cruise Agency of the Year
– Australia, named one of five
finalists in the category at the
2014 CLIA Cruise Industry Awards.
The newly released CLIA Awards
Finalists list has Bicton nominated
alongside Phil Hoffmann Travel
outlets in Glenelg and Norwood,
SA; Cruise Express in Balmain,
NSW and Cruise Travel Centre,
based in Kotara, NSW.
Two new categories making
their debut will see Ozcruising,
Clean Cruising and ecruising vie
for the title of Online Agency of
the Year – Australia.
Another new category will see
Home Based/Mobile Agent of
the Year go to Maxine Adams or
Wendy Allen from MTA or Derek
Harwood from TravelManagers.
In all, the event will see 19
awards across nine categories
decided, along with a new entry
into the prestigious CLIA Hall of
Fame announced and honoured.
Returning as emcee for a second
year running will be Channel 7’s
Hamish McLachlan, who will be
joined by actress Melanie Vallejo.
Making its debut as the event’s
Platinum Sponsor will be Dubai
Tourism, with Carnival Australia &
Royal Caribbean as Gold Sponsors.
“The entries were of an
exceptionally high standard
making the judges’ job that much
tougher. There’s no doubt that it’s
getting harder and harder to pick
winners,” CLIA Australasia general
manager Brett Jardine said.
More than 500 members of the
cruise industry from Australia and
New Zealand will attend the gala
awards dinner, to be held at The
Star in Sydney on 28 Feb