AUSTRALIA has been elected equal second
place on the Council of the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) at the 27th IMO
Assembly held recently in London.
The IMO is a specialised agency of the United
Nations with responsibility for the safety and
security of shipping and the prevention of
marine pollution by ships.
Australia jumped 16 places from its election
to 18th position two years ago, to share
second spot until 2013 when the IMO will hold
its next lot of elections.
“Australia’s strong record on maritime safety,
environmental protection of the sea and the
role played by AMSA were key factors in this
outstanding result,” a statement from the
Government said.
“We play a significant role on the Council,
representing the fourth largest shipping task in
the world, with most of these vessels
transiting close to significant natural marine
and coastal habitats.”
“It is critical that shipping, fundamental to
Australia’s economic vitality, meets the highest
safety and environmental standards,” the
statement added.
Australia has been a member of the IMO for
over four decades, since its inception in 1959.