GET rid of the cruise bug for good!
Scientists are in the process of developing
a vaccine that may spell the end of the
‘cruise bug’, not the ‘desire to cruise bug’
(sorry folks once you have that you have it
for life) but rather the dreaded norovirus.
Noroviris is the reason that hand
sanitisers line dining rooms and cruisers are
bombarded with ‘wash your hands’ signs,
and it can cripple cruise ships, as when one
guest goes down with it, often many other
guests will follow.
Sickly symptoms include cramping,
diarrhea and vomiting, however the
experimental nasal spray vaccine proved in
tests to boost noroviris antibodies in 70% of
test participants, making them far less likely
to contract the bug.
But before you go running off for the
Holy Grail of cruise ship accessories, CW
must warn you that scientists are saying a
commercial version of the vaccine is still a
long way off.
Still, there is hope for a noroviris free future.