SERIOUSLY wet walk.
One American acrobat loves water so
much that he is risking his life to walk a
tightrope over Niagara Falls.
The acrobat, 33-year old Nik Wallenda,
was granted permission to try the stunt by
Canadian officials, who initially denied his
request due to obvious safety concerns.
The officials however relented and
eventually granted Nik permission saying
the stunt, which will be the first of its kind
in more than a century, will pay tribute to
Niagara Fall’s long association with
“My dream is to walk into the mist,
disappear, and walk out the other end,”
said Nik, who has been tightrope walking
since the age of two.
Nik will perform the stunt without a
harness on a rope 70-metres above the falls.