CARNIVAL Triumph was detained in Galveston
on Saturday by US law enforcement authorities
in relation to a lawsuit lodged by the family of
a German tourist, Siglinde Stumph, who perished
when the Costa Concordia sunk in January.
Costa Cruises is part of the Carnival Corporation,
and is currently facing a multitude of lawsuits
in the wake of the Concordia disaster.
Triumph, which was cruising a five-day Mexico
itinerary, arrived in Galveston at 7am on
Saturday and was ordered upon arrival, by a US
judge, to be held as security in the Stumph case.
It is not known what legal maneuvering occurred
between 7am, when the ship was detained
and 4.30pm when it departed (30 minutes
later than scheduled), but it is understood that
a “confidential resolution” was reached.
Carnival said that in port “guests were
allowed to board the ship as normal”.