IT’S been a big month for Scenic Tours with
the launch of Scenic Crystal, as well as its
decision to go all inclusive for its European
river cruising in 2013 (CW 01 May), and the
announcement that it will makeover Scenic
Sapphire, Scenic Pearl, Scenic Ruby and Scenic
Diamond (CW 08 May).
But the news just doesn’t stop flowing from
the company, with new details surfacing about
its plans for the launch of a new Scenic
Tailormade handheld GPS system for European
river cruising next year.
Pictured below in the hands of Scenic’s
Emma Davie and Aleisha Fitler, the handheld
system (currently in trials) is designed for
cruisers who would prefer to sightsee
individually, away from the group.
Built by itours to Scenic’s specifications the
light-weight system was three years in
development and is created to host guests on
individual sightseeing tours.
The device features headphones and visual
maps, and provides easy to navigate directions
and informative, entertaining commentaries on
landmarks and points of interest based on
preferences selected by its users, such as
Gardens and Nature; Food and Wine; Arts and
Culture; and Action and Adventure.
As an added bonus, the system can be
attached and detached from bicycles, allowing
guests who wish to ride around attractions the
ability to make use of its services.
Booked guests who want to download the
program onto
their smart
phones, or
iPads, will also
be able to do
so, but it will
only be
available to
them for use
during their
commenting in the wake of Scenic Crystal’s
launch, and the impending launch of Scenic
Jewel next year, Scenic’s Founder Glen
Moroney said that the company would most
likely not be needing any more ships in the
foreseeable future.
“We don’t need anymore [ships], probably,”
he said.
“As the [river cruise] market keeps expanding,
I think for us the future will be more about
destinations rather than capacity,” he added.
For more Scenic details see