ON her history-making circumnavigation of
Australia Cunard’s
flagship Queen Mary 2
met a fellow vessel, also
making history by
Australia, the Endeavour.
The meeting occurred
whilst QM2 was off the
coast of Victoria as she
sailed from Adelaide to
Melbourne, with the great
dame sighting Endeavour
(a replica of Captain
James Cook’s HM Bark Endeavour) between Cape Nelson and Lawrence Rocks, just outside the
headlands of Portland.
The meeting was a bit like David and Goliath, without of course the implied animosity, with
151,400-tonne QM2 dwarfing the 397-guest Endeavour, carrying around 4,000 guests and rising
62 metres above the water, compared to Endeavour’s 54 passengers and height of 39 metres.
The meeting is captured above by photographer James Morgan.