THE International Maritime Organisation’s
(IMO) 34th World Maritime Day (29
September) celebrations this year were
themed ‘Piracy: Orchestrating a Response’.
The theme was designed to highlight and
reflect on the efforts which have been and are
being undertaken to meet the challenges of
modern-day piracy.
“To alleviate this unacceptable situation, no
effort should be spared,” said IMO Secretary-
General Efthimios Mitropoulos.
“Shipping companies must ensure that their
ships rigorously apply the IMO guidance and
industry-developed Best Management Practices
in their entirety…no ship is invulnerable”.
Mitropoulos also said that whilst the IMO is
doing its best to combat piracy it cannot
supply an instant resolution “particularly
since, although piracy manifests itself at sea,
the roots of the problem are to be found ashore”.
He then called on governments worldwide
to deploy “military and other resources
commensurate” to deal with the situation.
“More needs to be done, including the
capture, prosecution and punishment of all
those involved in piracy; the tracing of ransom
money; and the confiscation of proceeds of
crime derived from hijacked ships, if the
ultimate goal of consigning piracy to the
realms of history is to be achieved,” he added.