IN the lead-up to the seventh annual St
Vincent de Paul CEO Sleepout, Carnival
Australia staff got behind their CEO, Ann
Sherry, who plans to participate in the
uncomfortable evening, by organising a special
High Tea Bake Day (pictured below).
The profits from the High Tea event, which
doubled as a Queen’s Jubilee celebration, will
all go towards St Vincent de Paul’s charity
work, with Sherry now in preparation to take
part in the 21 June CEO Sleepout.
“If you are going to sleep out on the street
you might as well do it in the coldest part of
the year and on the longest night of the year,”
Sherry said.
“We live in such an affluent community and
we are in the business of creating great
experiences for people but at the same time
we know there are others in our community
who find themselves sleeping on the street for
a whole lot of reasons.
“I have seen people who are clearly living in
the backs of their cars with their kids and I just
think that’s not right, so the more money we
can raise the better our community is for it,”
she added.
For more information on CEO Sleepout for