OCEANIA Cruises is offering US$1,000
shipboard credit per cabin plus free gratuities,
for five selected World 2011/12 Collection
sailings, including Regatta’s 17 January 2012
18-day South Pacific Explorer from Papeete to
The other four sailings include Insignia’s 22
January 2012 16-day Valparaiso roundtrip
Ancient Mysteries cruise; Nautica’s 25-day
Imperial Interludes 28 February 2012 Bangkok
to Beijing cruise; Regatta’s 21-day Coral Seas
and Australian Adventures 08 March 2012
Auckland to Sydney journey, as well as her 25-
day Jewels of the Pacific 29 March 2012
Sydney to Papeete cruise.
Prices start from AU$3,740pp, and offers are
valid for sales until 31 January 2012.
See your travel agent for details.