say on the final shape of the nation’s
maritime industry laws, via the
announcement of several public
consultations hosted by officials from the
Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
In 2012 the Australian Maritime Safety
Authority will become the national regulator
of all commercial vessels, wielding a set of
nationwide laws (which will replace 50
different pieces of state and territory legislation).
The forums will allow the public to have
their say on the formation and articulation of
the new nationwide legislation, which will
cover (amongst other things) cruise vessel
design, construction, and certification
The forums kick off today in Sydney from
1pm at the Sydney Masonic Centre
Conference & Function Centre; followed by 5
July at the Fremantle Sailing Club 2-6pm; 7
July in Darwin between 2.30-7pm at the
Mantra Pandanas Hotel.
Forums will also be held in Hobart on 25
July 1-7pm, at the Hobart Function &
Conference Centre; Adelaide on 28 July 2-
5pm at the Stamford Grand Adelaide and in
Port Lincoln on 29 July between 2-5pm at the
Port Lincoln Hotel.
Details for Queensland and Victorian
forums are yet to be revealed.
For more information about the
consultation process, go to: