construction of a new three-storey cruise
terminal to be located at the former Kai Tak
airport runway.
The project is aimed at maintaining Hong
Kong as a regional cruise hub as the popularity
of cruising Asian waters continues to rise.
Situated at the center of the acclaimed
Victoria Harbour, the facility will be ready in
mid 2013, and will have the capacity to host
the world’s largest vessels as well as offer an
area of about 5,600m2 for commercial uses.
As such, the government is inviting
tenders for the operation and management
of the terminal under a tenancy.
Bidders are given the flexibility to propose
the rents to be paid, as well as berthing fees
in their tender submissions, whilst bidders’
cruise terminal management experience and
plans for operating and promoting the new
terminal will also be assessed.
Tenders will be accepted until 24 June.
and for more details CLICK HERE