Expeditions, still has a few berths left on four
of its amazing Russian Far East itineraries
onboard its polar research vessel, the Spirit
of Enderby, sailing between June and
September this year.
Included in the line-up is a 14-day ‘Birding
the Russian Far East’ cruise departing on 12
June which takes in the Kuril Islands (from
Japan to the Kamchatka Peninsula) and is
priced from US$6,850pp; as well as a 15-
day ‘In the wake of the Bering’ voyage
departing from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
on 26 June to sail north by north east
exploring vast areas of remote wilderness
(which until the 1990’s were considered
‘closed areas’) from US$7,525pp.
Limited spaces are also still available on
three of Enderby’s 14-day ‘Across the top of
the World’ voyages departing 27 July, 10
August and 24 August, from Chukotka to
the isolated Wrangel and Herald Islands and
taking in a significant section of the wild
North Eastern
Siberian coastline
from US$7,150pp;
as well as a longer
19-day ‘Jewel of
the Russian Far
East’ cruise from
Anadyrskiy Bay to the Bering Sea and along
the wild Koryak coastline from US$11,074pp.
For details see your travel agent, or visit