The navy has hit back at recent
media reportage over
Government plans to expand
cruise capacity at Garden
Island, telling personnel that
what has been agreed will not
adversely affect its operations.
IN a letter to navy personnel Chief of Navy
Vice Admiral Ray Griggs hit back at what he
called selective reportage by media regarding
the navy and enhanced access for cruise ships
to Garden Island.
In response, Griggs said “The media
reporting that has occurred since the
announcement has, as you can see,
misrepresented what was actually announced
by the Prime Minister”.
Griggs went further to outline what the
expansion plans announced by the Prime
Minister mean, saying that there will be three
cruise ships visits to Fleet Base East (garden
Island) during the 2012-13 cruise season and
another three visits in the 2013-14 season.
The second component to the plan,
according to Griggs, is the intention to develop
a longer term plan relating to the needs of the
cruise industry.
“As you all know berthing space at Fleet Base
East will be at a premium once the LHDs
[Landing Helicopter Docks, which are currently
being built in Spain] arrive commencing in
2014, this is why there is a need, as the Prime
Minister announced, for a longer term plan,
one that accommodates other interests but
does not compromise the primary purpose of
Fleet Base East and Garden Island,” he said.
“Navy will continue to work collaboratively
on this significant policy issue.
“What has been agreed and announced does
not adversely impact our ability to operate at
Fleet Base East and Garden Island,” he added.