OCEANIA Cruises says it’s had such a strong
response to this year’s first ever season of “fall
foliage” voyages in Canada and the north-east
USA that it will operate its Regatta in the
region next year, in place of previously planned
Mediterranean cruises.
Some of the cancelled sailings were
scheduled to visit Egypt or Tunisia, and there’s
speculation that demand for these
destinations had dipped due to recent unrest.
The 684-passenger Regatta will instead
reposition to North America via a 14-night
‘Colonial Passage’ voyage from Lisbon to New
York departing 11 September 2012, followed
by cruises between New York and Montreal.
Ports visited will include Boston, Québec City,
Saint John, Halifax, Prince Edward Island,
Newport and Bar Harbor.
After the autumn season Regatta will head
south on a 25-night ‘Enchanted Amazon’ cruise
from New York to Miami via South America.