BATTLEFIELD Tours has launched a 14-day
Victories in the Pacific cruise designed
especially for history buffs.
The voyage is led by world-renowned WWII
expert Richard Frank, and departs from
Noumea, New Caledonia onboard the 72-
passenger Oceanic Discoverer on 04 March 2012.
The itinerary takes guests to some of the
rarely visited battlefields of the Pacific War
from 1942-44, and includes stops in Lifou Island,
Vanuatu, Espiritu Santo and Million Dollar
Point, Ureparapara Island, the Solomon Islands,
Santa Ana, Guadalcanal, Tulagi, Arnavon
Islands Marine Reserve, Ghizo and Kennedy
Island, Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Buka
Island, New Britain and Rabaul.
The voyage is priced from $10,990pp/ts, for
more details visit