Just over eighty passengers and
95 crew members were onboard
SeaDream I as she made her firstever
visit to London this month.
Cruising up the River Thames,
guests enjoyed passing through the
iconic Tower Bridge, which was
opened to allow them passage.
SeaDream I made her historic call
at the end of a 15-day crossing of
the Atlantic from the Caribbean via
Ponta Delgada in the Archipelago
of the Azores.
Following her London debut
SeaDream I headed sans guests to
Germany, where she is currently undergoing a month-long routine drydocking, prior to her
northern summer season in the Baltic, Northern Europe and the Mediterranean- which
kicks off on 28 May with a 11-day Northern European itinerary from Hamburg.
SeaDream has confirmed that it does still have a limited amount of staterooms available
on a “number of these [northern summer] sailings”.
For details see your travel agent or visit www.seadream.com.