TWO gleaming white P&O
Cruises vessels stood out among
hundreds of other boats large and
small as Sydney Harbour shone
under grey skies for the Australia
Day celebrations this weekend.
TD Cruise Update was witness
to all of the festivities from aboard
the China Southern Airlines
ferry (pictured below), one of
four participating
in the traditional
Australia Day ferrython
The decks of both
Pacific Jewel &
Pacific Pearl were
lined with cheering
spectators, all
revelling in the
atmosphere from
their front-row vantage points.
Both vessels sported bright blue
banners showcasing their patriotic
pride, along with Australian flags
adorning the rear funnel.
The dual visits by Jewel, which
was anchored at Athol Bay, and
Pearl, nearby at Point Piper,
marked the first time two P&O
Cruises vessels were in Sydney
Harbour for Australia Day.
P&O Cruises also marked the
second year it had been involved
as the official sponsor of the
Australia Day Sydney Harbour
Program, which featured a Tug &
Yacht Ballet and evening fireworks.
A combined total of nearly 4000
passengers enjoyed a traditional
Aussie BBQ lunch, a host of
Australian movies and music as
well as visits by guest entertainers
over the course of the day.
“As Australia’s favourite cruise
line, we are very proud to not
only sponsor the Australia Day
activity but also to play such a key
role in the celebrations on the
harbour,” P&O Cruises senior vice
president Tammy Marshall said.
Australia Day 2015 is set to be
even bigger, with all three of the
line’s ships scheduled to be in
Sydney Harbour for the occasion.