Last week Royal Caribbean released a
fever onboard Liberty of the Seas, ‘A
Saturday Night Fever’.
The launch of the musical in Liberty’s
1,320-seat Platinum Theatre, marked the
first ever time a Broadway musical has
graced the decks of a Royal Caribbean
cruise in Europe.
In fact the smashing debut is only the
third full Broadway show to be staged on
a cruise ship, with ‘Hairspray’ currently
running on Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of
the Seas and ‘Chicago’ playing on Allure
of the Seas.
So far, ‘Saturday Night Fever’, the story
of Tony (played by the British actor Lucas
Rush), the ambitious Brooklyn teen who
spends his Saturday nights disco dancing,
has drawn rave reviews from Liberty
guests, with many leaving the theatre
with a distinctive groove in their step.
An inventive cruise enthusiast, Carrie Duwelius, has won a US only competition run by Carnival, by creating a cruise ship out of everyday items. The Build a Ship competition, run by Carnival, asked contestants to fashion their very own vessel out of materials that they could scrounge up from their own home. For her entry Carrie crafted a large 2D vessel using cardboard and various other household items, which was then voted by the public as the best vessel on show. For every entry and every vote, Carnival donated US$1 to the US St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. For her efforts Carrie won her family a seven-day Caribbean cruise onboard Carnival Magic. Carrie’s entry is pictured below.