CAPTAIN Cook Cruises is offering a 25%
discount off its Murray River cruises which
depart between June and August this year.
The voyages take place onboard CCC’s
modern replica of an 1800’s paddle wheeler,
the PS Murray Princess- which comes complete
with two spacious lounges, polished wood and
gold trimmings and an elegant spiral staircase.
In terms of what guests can expect of the
Murray this winter, CCC says the river’s higher
than normal water levels, combined with its
usual winter activity, will result in an
abundance of wildlife including swans, swamp
hens, wood ducks, as well as thriving flora
including flowering Lignum bushes.
Guests will be able to make the most of this
abundance, via guided nature walks and ecotours,
and will also enjoy day trips to historic
ports, sacred Aboriginal sites, a sheep station
and woolshed and even a native wildlife
shelter, as well as cellar door tastings and an
Aussie-style campfire barbecue on the river
bank one night.
Inclusive of the discount, CCC’s three-night
Discovery Cruise is priced from $599pp, the
four-night Outback Cruise is priced from
$799pp and the seven-night Murraylands &
Wildlife Cruise is priced from $1,223pp.
See your travel agent for details, or visit