Australasian farmers and food suppliers are among thousands of local businesses hit by the ongoing suspension of cruise operations, with losses to the Australian economy now surpassing $5 billion over the past year. The video features national wholesaler Select Fresh Providores, one of Australia’s key suppliers of fresh fruit and vegetables to cruise lines. In it, the company’s Group General Manager Steven Biviano explains the huge effect the suspension has had, not only on his own business but also on farmers and regional communities. In peak season up to 50% of Select Providores’ business was generated by cruising, and that farmers and other producers needed time to plan crops for cruising’s return. The health protocols cruise lines have developed in response to COVID-19 are among the most stringent in the world and are already operating successfully in several other countries. Now is the time for the Federal Government and states to finalise a timeline for a carefully managed, phased resumption so businesses like Select Fresh can plan their recovery. #WeAreCruise.