NCL to go public
Thursday | Jul 21 2011THE NEWLY FORMED PARENT COMPANY OF Norwegian Cruise Line, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, has filed with…
Destination refit
Thursday | Jul 21 2011THE 15-YEAR OLD CARNIVAL DESTINY WILL UNDERGO a lengthy refit in early 2013, that will see…
Agents green for P&O
Thursday | Jul 21 2011COMPLETE CRUISE SOLUTIONS’ SALES TEAMS HAVE been painting the nation green in a whirlwind P&O Cruises…
Silhouette Hamburg arrival
Thursday | Jul 21 2011CELEBRITY CRUISES’ 122,400-TON CELEBRITY Silhouette sailed into Hamburg at 8pm ahead of her official launch ceremony…
Adventurous? Watch this space
Thursday | Jul 21 2011SMALL SHIP ADVENTURE COMPANY IS LOOKING TO play a bigger part in the industry by forging…
Cunard’s local fares
Thursday | Jul 21 2011CUNARD CRUISE LINE IS OFFERING NEW LOCAL FARES for Australians wishing to join Queen Elizabeth or…
Norwegian Haven
Thursday | Jul 21 2011NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE HAS UNVEILED ITS PLANS for an exclusive suite complex which offers guests a…
Online bank payments on the way
Thursday | Jul 21 2011CCS is set to introduce a simplified payment system within POLAR Online. EFFECTIVE FROM SEP, COMPLETE…
P&O ditches Poum
Thursday | Jul 21 2011P&O CRUISES HAS REPLACED SCHEDULED CALLS TO Poum (Emerald Bay) with visits into other Pacific Island…
Riviera floats in Genoa
Thursday | Jul 21 2011LAST WEEK OCEANIA CRUISES CELEBRATED A MAJOR milestone in the birth of its new baby, the…