An independent report has
recommended three ways to
improve Sydney’s cruise industry
and its contribution to the
RESEARCH conducted for the NSW State
Government has identified cruising’s three
priority issues.
According to the report by the Visitor Economy
Taskforce, the most urgent needs are to
expand cruise berthing capacity within Sydney
ports, including at Garden Island, and to
address economic loss from provedoring
constraints at the Overseas Passenger Terminal.
It also recommended a 10-year Cruise
Development Plan for Sydney, in consultation
with industry, to assist in addressing issues
relating to forecast growth, financial models
for capacity building and the level of
Government support for the cruise sector.
The taskforce noted that the growing
popularity of cruising meant NSW requires
more effective planning and infrastructure
management for Sydney to remain a highprofile
cruise destination and for the State to
reap the economic benefits.
Carnival Australia CEO Ann Sherry welcomed
the findings.
“It’s no secret that cruising is the good news
story of the local tourism industry and we’re
pleased to see the Visitor Economy Taskforce
give it such prominence and strong consideration
in the report’s recommendations,” Sherry said.
“We’re particularly encouraged by the report’s
recommendation that the State Government
work closely with Canberra to secure access to
Garden Island on a regular, scheduled basis.
“The cruise sector is already forecast to bring
a total economic contribution of more than
$1.1 billion to NSW by 2020, and delivery of
the priorities identified by the Visitor Economy
Taskforce would mean the contribution could
grow even more,” she added.